– 1:4 The Day of Declaration
– 1:9 The Herald
There was an artist named Benjamin Crème, who was secretly contacted and invited to play a role in the advent of the World-Teacher after 1975. He accepted and told only his wife. To train for the task, he studied the wisdom traditions of all ages and practiced advanced spiritual disciplines for ten years. Then, he published notices and lectured to skeptical audiences around the world. In thirty years of setting the stage for the biggest event in human history, he did not lose heart though the expected Man of God remained hidden.
– 1:15 The World-Teacher Mission
– 1:45 The Controversy
The American Indians were also expecting a Messiah, whom they called “Snot-Boy.” They claimed that during seven years of many sorrows, Snot-Boy would be transformed by his travels and inspired by the Spirit. Though he was at first unwilling and reluctant, he would accept his destiny as an advocate of the poor and a Teacher of religion. He was expected to calm the wrath of evil politicians and restore cooperation in a world out-of-harmony.
Rumors spread among the tribes that he was living with a grandchild of the Hopi. A Lakota chief was touring the country and spotted Snot-Boy in a crowd gathered to hear a talk about alchemy. He knew Snot-Boy from a dream. He said, “You all came here today to hear me speak. But there’s somebody here much worthier than me who should be talking. I won’t call him out, but he’s a great Spiritual Master. He will create world peace.”
But Snot-Boy was troubled. He was disturbed by premonitions of tragedy and night-visions that foretold disasters and his divinely-ordained responsibility in the chaos. He would awaken in a trembling sweat, and his mistress would hold him. He feared he was a mad-man, but she comforted him. “Truly, you have a strong character,” she said. “Do not be anxious or uncertain. Your future will be better for you than the past. You’ve been chosen as a Prophet.”
It was a time when there was little talk of God anymore. He went to live in the home of the country’s most eminent Brahmin, where he was recognized by a monk who taught him seated meditation and mentored him for a heroic challenge. Snot-Boy would visit the Temple at dusk and teach with authority. The audience was delighted and asked, “Who is this sincere soul with wisdom beyond his young age?” He would laugh and say, “The Spirit that animates me is the Spirit that animates you!” Some priests heard of it, and they were afraid for he often scolded them for being arrogant and greedy. They said, “How dare he teach without our endorsement? Who does he think he is?” And they plotted against him.
Word spread of his teaching and so many people gathered at the Temple that there was no room for them. They even crowded at the door. He was surrounded by devotees of every sect, and upon hearing him, they saw in him the fulfillment of their prophecies. Even the atheists delighted in his talk. Now, there were some Buddhists there, and they doubted him. They thought to themselves, “Why does he talk in this way?” Snot-Boy perceived their question and asked, “Why are your hearts troubled?” They were stunned, and replied, “How can you be the World-Teacher when you are full of desires?” Snot-Boy said, “Is it not written in your scriptures that the Future Buddha will be lazy, proud, and forgetful of lessons?” They talked amongst themselves and answered, “Yes, it is written that he will be seemingly confused.” Then he said, “Is it not written that he will nevertheless inspire relief of suffering with his compassionate deeds and voice of Truth?” They again talked amongst themselves and answered, “Yes, it is written that he will inspire a gentler world with acts of merit.” Afterward they were silent.
Snot-Boy went out along the coast with an entourage of literati, intelligentsia, poets, singers, dancers, musicians, actors, artists, and astronomers. When the priests saw him teaching, they said to him, “Some say you are a new Messiah.” He replied, “That’s what they say.” The priests asked, “How can you be the Messiah when you seem so angry?” Snot-Boy answered, “Is it not written in the teachings of the Rabbis that the Messiah will be aggrieved and scream until his throat is hoarse?” They talked amongst themselves and said, “Yes, it is written that he will cry out for righteousness.” Then he said, “Is it not written that he will be a guitar-player who inspires a social renewal with diverse religious ideas?” They talked amongst themselves and said, “Yes, it is written that he will be a lover of mythology.” But still they were not satisfied, so Snot-Boy asked, “Is it not written that God declares prophets in dreams?” They agreed, and said, “It is written in the Book of Daniel that the Ancient One honors the Son of Man in the night-visions.” Snot-Boy then said, “Does the Book of Daniel predict that he will walk in the clouds?” They answered, “Yes, the Son of Man will walk in the clouds.” Finally, Snot-Boy asked, “And in the original tongue, is not ‘walking in the clouds’ a poetic way of describing cannabis smoke?” They consulted the texts and answered, “Yes, in the original tongue, ‘walking in the clouds’ was a euphemism for cannabis smoke.” Snot-Boy puffed on a pipe, and they were silent.
Snot-Boy had a multitude of followers in Hollywood, and he became widely known as a musician. His work won awards and critical acclaim, and his songs were heard by tens-of-thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world. He gave interviews on major networks and newspapers. He also became known among scholars who were dumbfounded by his creative intellect. Some of the scribes were envious of him.
He began a research project studying the relationship between religious doctrine, economies, and global security. He discovered several archives of occult rhetoric in the City. He befriended the librarians, who showed him many old letters. Among them, he found the plans of the esoteric mystics from seven generations ago. They were given a fortune from the Bank of England to build a City along the Pacific Coast as a stage-set for the advent of the Messiah. They also established a Trust Fund as a gift to the World-Teacher so that he may accomplish his mission with no material obstruction. Finally, he found the list of conditions for fulfillment. When the priests heard rumors of his activities, they conspired with the scribes to destroy him.
Snot-Boy departed with his admirers to the mountains, and a great assembly from the City followed him. Hearing all that he was doing, a crowd gathered from the region and places far away. He called all those who wished for peace in the world. Devotees of every sect joined together and climbed to the peak. Again he began to teach. “Give ear, O my people, to my teaching! Incline your ears to the words of my mouth! I will open my mouth for an analogy! I will repeat sayings from ancient days, things we have heard and known, that our ancestors told us. We will not hide them from the children. We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Spirit! We will praise the strength and the wonders of the Spirit!”
He continued, “Love your enemies and people who hate you! Show mercy to the weak, the injured, the poor, and the widowed! Have compassion for the orphaned, the mourning, and the exiled! Give to beggars and borrowers! Lend with no expectation of return! Do to others as you would have them do to you! Do not worry about food, drink, clothing, or the trouble of tomorrow! Be sincere and loyal! Make no promises, but do as you say! Seek wisdom! Honor the Spirit!”
And he said to them, “Everything in nature originates from Spirit; though everything in nature originates from Spirit, that Spirit remains the same. In nature is a pattern of changeless change. This pattern existed before the thinking soul in a world of desires, and the pattern, the thinking soul, and the world of desires are all Spirit. Truly, those who follow the Spirit will reach God.”
It was a time when there was little talk of God anymore. He went to live in the home of the country’s most eminent Brahmin, where he was recognized by a monk who taught him seated meditation and mentored him for a heroic challenge. Snot-Boy would visit the Temple at dusk and teach with authority. The audience was delighted and asked, “Who is this sincere soul with wisdom beyond his young age?” He would laugh and say, “The Spirit that animates me is the Spirit that animates you!” Some priests heard of it, and they were afraid for he often scolded them for being arrogant and greedy. They said, “How dare he teach without our endorsement? Who does he think he is?” And they plotted against him.
– 2:28 The Conditions of Fulfillment
Snot-Boy went out along the coast with an entourage of literati, intelligentsia, poets, singers, dancers, musicians, actors, artists, and astronomers. When the priests saw him teaching, they said to him, “Some say you are a new Messiah.” He replied, “That’s what they say.” The priests asked, “How can you be the Messiah when you seem so angry?” Snot-Boy answered, “Is it not written in the teachings of the Rabbis that the Messiah will be aggrieved and scream until his throat is hoarse?” They talked amongst themselves and said, “Yes, it is written that he will cry out for righteousness.” Then he said, “Is it not written that he will be a guitar-player who inspires a social renewal with diverse religious ideas?” They talked amongst themselves and said, “Yes, it is written that he will be a lover of mythology.” But still they were not satisfied, so Snot-Boy asked, “Is it not written that God declares prophets in dreams?” They agreed, and said, “It is written in the Book of Daniel that the Ancient One honors the Son of Man in the night-visions.” Snot-Boy then said, “Does the Book of Daniel predict that he will walk in the clouds?” They answered, “Yes, the Son of Man will walk in the clouds.” Finally, Snot-Boy asked, “And in the original tongue, is not ‘walking in the clouds’ a poetic way of describing cannabis smoke?” They consulted the texts and answered, “Yes, in the original tongue, ‘walking in the clouds’ was a euphemism for cannabis smoke.” Snot-Boy puffed on a pipe, and they were silent.
– 3:35 Popularity
and Treachery
Snot-Boy had a multitude of followers in Hollywood, and he became widely known as a musician. His work won awards and critical acclaim, and his songs were heard by tens-of-thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world. He gave interviews on major networks and newspapers. He also became known among scholars who were dumbfounded by his creative intellect. Some of the scribes were envious of him.
He began a research project studying the relationship between religious doctrine, economies, and global security. He discovered several archives of occult rhetoric in the City. He befriended the librarians, who showed him many old letters. Among them, he found the plans of the esoteric mystics from seven generations ago. They were given a fortune from the Bank of England to build a City along the Pacific Coast as a stage-set for the advent of the Messiah. They also established a Trust Fund as a gift to the World-Teacher so that he may accomplish his mission with no material obstruction. Finally, he found the list of conditions for fulfillment. When the priests heard rumors of his activities, they conspired with the scribes to destroy him.
Snot-Boy departed with his admirers to the mountains, and a great assembly from the City followed him. Hearing all that he was doing, a crowd gathered from the region and places far away. He called all those who wished for peace in the world. Devotees of every sect joined together and climbed to the peak. Again he began to teach. “Give ear, O my people, to my teaching! Incline your ears to the words of my mouth! I will open my mouth for an analogy! I will repeat sayings from ancient days, things we have heard and known, that our ancestors told us. We will not hide them from the children. We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Spirit! We will praise the strength and the wonders of the Spirit!”
He continued, “Love your enemies and people who hate you! Show mercy to the weak, the injured, the poor, and the widowed! Have compassion for the orphaned, the mourning, and the exiled! Give to beggars and borrowers! Lend with no expectation of return! Do to others as you would have them do to you! Do not worry about food, drink, clothing, or the trouble of tomorrow! Be sincere and loyal! Make no promises, but do as you say! Seek wisdom! Honor the Spirit!”
– 4:41 The Mystery of the Absolute
And he said to them, “Everything in nature originates from Spirit; though everything in nature originates from Spirit, that Spirit remains the same. In nature is a pattern of changeless change. This pattern existed before the thinking soul in a world of desires, and the pattern, the thinking soul, and the world of desires are all Spirit. Truly, those who follow the Spirit will reach God.”
He also said, “A seed shows the evolution of Spirit in nature and in man. A seed is a point that manifests a range of possibilities the further it extends from the center to the circumference. The circle doubles itself and doubles again and again in alternating pattern to achieve form. The stem reaches upward from the darkness of the mineral elements toward the light of the day. The plant is a composite of earth, water, and air, but the vital fire is from the sun, like the origin of all life is of the Spirit. The leaves unfold in a spiral pattern that repeats throughout nature. The plant blossoms into a flower which becomes a fruit and the seeds of many more plants. Man is the flower among the animals, and the thinking soul is the fruit of Spirit.”
“Let anyone with ears to hear listen! Mankind is born from a clot of blood in the Mother’s womb. This blood-clot grows like a seed into a circle and during gestation develops in the pattern common to all creatures and Creation. Our bones are like the rocks of the mountain. Our sensations are like the trees of the field. Our muscles for action and the emotions of our heart are kin with the animals of the forest. The flower of our form is the thinking soul whose fruit is the Spirit.”
He continued to speak. “The Spirit never changes and never dies, though many creatures exist for a moment of eternity then pass away. The body will become dust, but the Spirit is immortal. Only the Spirit is real. Witness nature and all that lives and moves on Earth with the Eye of Spirit. There is no fear in those who see Spirit as their own being and in all beings. All things reveal the Spirit and point to the Truth.”
“The ignorant and confused follow the world of desires and fall into a delusion of suffering and despair. It’s like mistaking a rope for a snake: you didn’t see the rope, and there is no snake. A long habit of error takes on the legitimacy of being correct. Renounce counterfeit knowledge and error as habit! Witness the veil of appearances as the timeless play of Spirit! Study the Truth! Fulfill your duty! Be sincere and aim for merit! Be merciful and wise!”
When he finished speaking, he departed from the mount. The crowd was delighted and repeated his teaching. Word spread far and wide. Everybody in the City and the country believed that a great Teacher was among them. Many sought to meet him and hear him preaching. When the priests and scribes heard of it, they were afraid.
– 5:43 Witness to Enigma
He met the American Indian called Teetonka at the grave of the White Bison called “Miracle.” They smoked a pipe together. Teetonka said, “We have a prophecy we’ve kept for nineteen generations. We were visited by the Queen of Heaven, who showed us the last days at the end of the age. She said that this time would be marked by the birth of four White Bison that would change color to yellow then red then brown. She warned us of Earth Changes. There would be wars, falling towers, and a flood. The seas would turn black. This has already happened. We are expecting a big earthquake and a nuclear disaster. The people will become fatigued of injustice and rebel. Governments will fail. The Chief of Men will appear, and he will help us remember the ways of the Spirit. He will introduce us to the Star Nations. Then there will be peace again.”
Teetonka also said, “The first White Bison was born here. Two more were born, but they died too young to change colors. The second White Bison in the prophecy was born in the Lakota territory. The third White Bison is alive today in Greenville. Mark my words: this is a most unique time in human history. There will be crisis and chaos until the fourth White Bison is born and the Chief of Men is revealed. He doesn’t know yet his fate but he is learning. He will have a conflict with a corrupt Masonic society, and he will be victorious by his words alone. He will lift his voice in song, and he will win their hearts. He will show people a way forward, if they are willing. If they do not restore order in the world, they will die in a brutal extinction. If mankind makes the right choices, there will be a renewal of the Earth. Do not be afraid. This can be a good time, if we know what to do with it.”
Teetonka continued talking. “All the signs that were given to the people to identify the Messiah have been lost. Now it is impossible to recognize him. One of the lost signs is a shining stone. They call it the Grail in the legends of the ancestors. It was stolen by priests and hidden in an underground vault. You must find that stone!” They finished smoking in silence.
– 6:56 Hometown Scandal
Snot-Boy began teaching in Fort Edgar. Many
who heard him were doubtful. They said, “Where did this man gain this wisdom? Wasn’t
he the poor orphan adopted by the weaver and the smith?” They were talking
about his foster parents who sent him to school. The townsfolk took offense at
him. “The Messiah has already come once and for all as Jesus,” they said.
Snot-Boy disagreed. He asked, “Is it not written that an Advocate of Truth would come to
remind you of all you were taught?” But they were outraged at his suggestion. “He
is crazy,” they said.
His family was alarmed. They found him alone with his books in the attic. He said to them, “Today the scripture is fulfilled in your sight. Soon governments will fail. There will be widespread social rebellion.” They worried about him. They said, “If you talk like that, the police will arrest you.” But Snot-Boy did not heed their warning. He said, “There will be a big earthquake. There will be a nuclear disaster. Extraterrestrials will appear. This will happen before the next White Bison is born.” They were skeptical and tried to send him to a doctor. “Surely, he has gone out of his mind,” they said. He was saddened by their unbelief. So, he said nothing further and only laid his hands on people to heal them by massage. He left that place to pray alone in the desert.
It also came to the attention of the Chief Priest. He convened a secret council to investigate. He said to them, “This revelation concerns us. I think these claims are a serious question. I am greatly interested whether this prophecy is genuine. It may match our oracle for this time. We must quickly determine the facts. We must act with stealth to find proof of this assertion. If it is false, then we may ignore it to oblivion. If it is true, then we are obligated to promote it. Until we reach a judgment, there will be a black-out on any further comment. Mr. Crème may not publish nor give public talks. Silence him. However, do not interfere with the alleged prophet. We must determine his character. But see to it that he is not supported by any of the ministers. This could be a hoax. We don’t want to give the look of authenticity through familiarity with an imposter. Seize all the evidence. I don’t want anybody to know of it until we reach our decision.” When he finished speaking, he dismissed the meeting. He did not know some of the priests hated Snot-Boy.
His family was alarmed. They found him alone with his books in the attic. He said to them, “Today the scripture is fulfilled in your sight. Soon governments will fail. There will be widespread social rebellion.” They worried about him. They said, “If you talk like that, the police will arrest you.” But Snot-Boy did not heed their warning. He said, “There will be a big earthquake. There will be a nuclear disaster. Extraterrestrials will appear. This will happen before the next White Bison is born.” They were skeptical and tried to send him to a doctor. “Surely, he has gone out of his mind,” they said. He was saddened by their unbelief. So, he said nothing further and only laid his hands on people to heal them by massage. He left that place to pray alone in the desert.
Meanwhile, Benjamin Crème published letters recording various encounters with Snot-Boy to a worldwide audience. One woman met him at an interfaith conference when he appeared in green robes, asked for a glass of water, then joked with her. He claimed to know the secret of the Messiah’s advent. There were many other letters. Benjamin confirmed him as the World-Teacher. Word spread quickly among the leaders of government and commerce.
It also came to the attention of the Chief Priest. He convened a secret council to investigate. He said to them, “This revelation concerns us. I think these claims are a serious question. I am greatly interested whether this prophecy is genuine. It may match our oracle for this time. We must quickly determine the facts. We must act with stealth to find proof of this assertion. If it is false, then we may ignore it to oblivion. If it is true, then we are obligated to promote it. Until we reach a judgment, there will be a black-out on any further comment. Mr. Crème may not publish nor give public talks. Silence him. However, do not interfere with the alleged prophet. We must determine his character. But see to it that he is not supported by any of the ministers. This could be a hoax. We don’t want to give the look of authenticity through familiarity with an imposter. Seize all the evidence. I don’t want anybody to know of it until we reach our decision.” When he finished speaking, he dismissed the meeting. He did not know some of the priests hated Snot-Boy.
7:1 – 7:37 Rumors and Conflict
After traveling around the country, Snot-Boy returned to the home of the most eminent Brahmin. The monk who taught him said, “Why did you come here? Some of the monks heard of your deeds, and they became hard-hearted. They fear a loss of reputation from knowing you. It has become impossible for you to stay here.” Snot-Boy told him everything he learned about the White Bison prophecy and asked him about the Grail. The monk said, “So, you’re curious now about a precious mineral. I will share what I know about it, but then you must leave.”
They walked together in the gentle breeze of the garden at dusk. The monk said, “The stone was a gift to mankind, and it glows with the Light of Spirit. Some say that it became dimmer as each generation was more corrupt. It came with a book that tells how to create unlimited food and the fulfillment of wishes. It can cure blindness, sickness and disease, and illness from poison and venom. It grants superhuman strength and longevity. It increases intelligence and wisdom. It can be used to control the weather and much more. It was highly coveted. Brothers fought each other and killed for it. Grandsons robbed their ancestor’s grave to gain it. It was lost to thieves, and hidden in a cave for many years. Once it was dropped in the ocean and swallowed by a whale.”
The monk also said, “It was protected for thousands of years by the Knights of the Temple. They controlled many lands for long centuries. Then they were accused of sorcery by the priests and persecuted. All their treasures were seized, and their buildings destroyed. A few of them fled to America from the Old World. Some say they buried the stone here with a prophecy about the succession of Chief Priests. There may be more information about it somewhere in the archives. The scribes keep many old books and relics. But I caution you against it. Some of the priests and scribes are dangerous. Beware! They may falsely accuse you. Worse, they may try to kill you. They are looking for a way to be rid of you. Hear my warning, son: do not go near them.” Snot-Boy bowed to the monk then went away.
8:1 – 8:38 Glamour and Tragedy
Rumors spread that Snot-Boy was living on the coast with his mistress. He avoided the marketplace and public spaces. He ate in private and met in secret for conversations with scholars. The people of the City were looking for him and anxious to see him again. When the priests heard of it, they sent spies to watch the temples. They also contacted the police on bogus charges of disturbing the peace and pressured them to covert action.
Meanwhile, Snot-Boy found the priest’s archive in the basement of a scribal college. He took a train to see it. The librarian there did not know him. They talked about ancient texts, and the librarian offered to show him the archive. They went downstairs and browsed together among the stacks of books and artifacts. The librarian explained, “This vault holds some of the old treasures of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. One of our most prized possessions is a manuscript that scholars believe is written in an alien tongue. Some say they left it here after a war and fled the planet. They’re supposed to return after a catastrophe.” He showed Snot-Boy a fragment of the book. “This is all that is left of it. It’s never been translated. You can make a copy of it, if you’d like.” Snot-Boy made duplicate sketches of the illustrations of plants and foreign letters.
The librarian brought him a scroll. He said, “This was purportedly penned by Knights of the Temple and sealed in the foundation of a tower by a group of mystics seven generations ago. When the priests heard of it, they murdered the building manager when he tried to stop them from breaking open the cornerstone and retrieving it. They brought it here, along with a meteor that’s gone now. The old librarian was killed when a couple of goons tried stealing it. That was about twenty-five years ago. The Chief Priest has it these days.” Snot-Boy unrolled the scroll. It was a list of 112 clerics preceding the Messiah’s ascent to the throne. He memorized the prophecy and gave back the scroll. The librarian also said, “If it’s true, then the days are coming soon when it will be fulfilled.”
After their visit, Snot-Boy returned to the train depot. While he was walking, he saw a black van trailing him in the alley. Snot-Boy started to run for cover, but the black van was gaining on him. It had a taser-gun mounted on its roof. The black van roared past Snot-Boy, and the weapon was aimed at him. It blasted Snot-Boy with a shrieking pulse and a paralyzing buzz. He was confused and dizzy. The black van sped away.
9:1 – 9:50 Mountaintop Revelation
Snot-Boy had no fear after the attack. He departed to the mountains with a crowd from the City. He was joined by admirers, devotees of every sect, scribes, priests, and spies. When they reached the peak, he turned and scolded them. “How long will you delight in your ignorance? How long will you cling to your confusion? You were born in Paradise, and you’ve turned it into a Waste Land! Your children know nothing of the garden. Where is your food? Where is your water? They think it comes from a factory! They are corrupted by electric toys and the deceit of the marketplace. Everybody from the least to the greatest is greedy for unfair gain. From the lowliest farmhand to the governors of the nations, everybody deals falsely. The scribes lie to you, and the priests dress in the finest robes and sit on seats of gold.”
He said, “Have you no ears to hear? The noise of your chariots makes you deaf! There are wars and rumors of war. People are quick to violence and bloodshed. The towers fell, and your cities are drowned by flood. Truly, the time of afflictions is upon us, and there are more sorrows to come. Your minerals are depleted. The fuel for your machines is almost gone. You will live in darkness, and a terrible famine shall come upon the land. Your warehouses will be empty, and there will be chaos. The traders and merchants shall weep when there is no more sound of buying and selling. They are like robbers. They oppress the poor. They exploit the needy. They do not strengthen the weak, heal the injured, or feed the hungry. People will protest in the streets and demand justice. Governments will fail. There will be disaster after disaster. There will be a big earthquake. There will be a nuclear catastrophe. The water will be poisoned. Awful storms will destroy cities. People will be scattered in the Earth Changes. Such tumult and ruin will happen soon. Beware!”
He also said, “The priests have a prophecy for these days. Let it be fulfilled! Send forth the Chief Priest to unite the world's religions and cure fanatic bigotry. May all be inspired to Love and Truth by the Spirit! Then, the priests must feed the people during the coming ordeal. They should prepare for the return of the Christ. The Judgment Day fast approaches. There will be visitors from the stars. When the fourth White Bison is born, it is the end.” When he finished talking, the crowd was shocked.
10:1 – 10:52 The Triumphal Procession
When the Chief Priest heard of Snot-Boy’s rebuke and challenge, he summoned the secret council. Among the advisors were monks, scribes, knights, archivists, and astrologers. The Chief Priest said, “It is necessary to consider two questions. The first is whether we can now determine the authenticity of the alleged prophet. The second is whether to act in support of the oracle we guard.”
One of the monks said, “We do not yet have sufficient evidence in the investigation of the so-called prophet. It is simply too early to tell.” A scribe said, “He is provoking people to rebellion. He should be jailed on charges of sedition.” A knight interrupted. “No, we must not intervene. The oracle has yet to be fulfilled. He may be the Man of God that some of the priests have seen in dreams.” An astrologer agreed. “Our lineage has kept a perfect calendar for over six-thousand years based on the stars. We are approaching a most auspicious alignment of eclipses. Our own oracle tells us to look for these signs.”
The Chief Priest said, “If the oracle predicts the coming eclipses, then we should act in support of it, regardless of whether this alleged prophet is authentic.” The scribe disagreed. “Your Excellency, he’s already challenged us to fulfill the prophecy. If we act now, we risk giving credibility to his claims before we’ve confirmed his legitimacy.” The monk said, “That is not for certain. We can fulfill the oracle while we delay judgment.”
After traveling around the country, Snot-Boy returned to the home of the most eminent Brahmin. The monk who taught him said, “Why did you come here? Some of the monks heard of your deeds, and they became hard-hearted. They fear a loss of reputation from knowing you. It has become impossible for you to stay here.” Snot-Boy told him everything he learned about the White Bison prophecy and asked him about the Grail. The monk said, “So, you’re curious now about a precious mineral. I will share what I know about it, but then you must leave.”
They walked together in the gentle breeze of the garden at dusk. The monk said, “The stone was a gift to mankind, and it glows with the Light of Spirit. Some say that it became dimmer as each generation was more corrupt. It came with a book that tells how to create unlimited food and the fulfillment of wishes. It can cure blindness, sickness and disease, and illness from poison and venom. It grants superhuman strength and longevity. It increases intelligence and wisdom. It can be used to control the weather and much more. It was highly coveted. Brothers fought each other and killed for it. Grandsons robbed their ancestor’s grave to gain it. It was lost to thieves, and hidden in a cave for many years. Once it was dropped in the ocean and swallowed by a whale.”
The monk also said, “It was protected for thousands of years by the Knights of the Temple. They controlled many lands for long centuries. Then they were accused of sorcery by the priests and persecuted. All their treasures were seized, and their buildings destroyed. A few of them fled to America from the Old World. Some say they buried the stone here with a prophecy about the succession of Chief Priests. There may be more information about it somewhere in the archives. The scribes keep many old books and relics. But I caution you against it. Some of the priests and scribes are dangerous. Beware! They may falsely accuse you. Worse, they may try to kill you. They are looking for a way to be rid of you. Hear my warning, son: do not go near them.” Snot-Boy bowed to the monk then went away.
8:1 – 8:38 Glamour and Tragedy
Rumors spread that Snot-Boy was living on the coast with his mistress. He avoided the marketplace and public spaces. He ate in private and met in secret for conversations with scholars. The people of the City were looking for him and anxious to see him again. When the priests heard of it, they sent spies to watch the temples. They also contacted the police on bogus charges of disturbing the peace and pressured them to covert action.
Meanwhile, Snot-Boy found the priest’s archive in the basement of a scribal college. He took a train to see it. The librarian there did not know him. They talked about ancient texts, and the librarian offered to show him the archive. They went downstairs and browsed together among the stacks of books and artifacts. The librarian explained, “This vault holds some of the old treasures of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. One of our most prized possessions is a manuscript that scholars believe is written in an alien tongue. Some say they left it here after a war and fled the planet. They’re supposed to return after a catastrophe.” He showed Snot-Boy a fragment of the book. “This is all that is left of it. It’s never been translated. You can make a copy of it, if you’d like.” Snot-Boy made duplicate sketches of the illustrations of plants and foreign letters.
After their visit, Snot-Boy returned to the train depot. While he was walking, he saw a black van trailing him in the alley. Snot-Boy started to run for cover, but the black van was gaining on him. It had a taser-gun mounted on its roof. The black van roared past Snot-Boy, and the weapon was aimed at him. It blasted Snot-Boy with a shrieking pulse and a paralyzing buzz. He was confused and dizzy. The black van sped away.
9:1 – 9:50 Mountaintop Revelation
Snot-Boy had no fear after the attack. He departed to the mountains with a crowd from the City. He was joined by admirers, devotees of every sect, scribes, priests, and spies. When they reached the peak, he turned and scolded them. “How long will you delight in your ignorance? How long will you cling to your confusion? You were born in Paradise, and you’ve turned it into a Waste Land! Your children know nothing of the garden. Where is your food? Where is your water? They think it comes from a factory! They are corrupted by electric toys and the deceit of the marketplace. Everybody from the least to the greatest is greedy for unfair gain. From the lowliest farmhand to the governors of the nations, everybody deals falsely. The scribes lie to you, and the priests dress in the finest robes and sit on seats of gold.”
He said, “Have you no ears to hear? The noise of your chariots makes you deaf! There are wars and rumors of war. People are quick to violence and bloodshed. The towers fell, and your cities are drowned by flood. Truly, the time of afflictions is upon us, and there are more sorrows to come. Your minerals are depleted. The fuel for your machines is almost gone. You will live in darkness, and a terrible famine shall come upon the land. Your warehouses will be empty, and there will be chaos. The traders and merchants shall weep when there is no more sound of buying and selling. They are like robbers. They oppress the poor. They exploit the needy. They do not strengthen the weak, heal the injured, or feed the hungry. People will protest in the streets and demand justice. Governments will fail. There will be disaster after disaster. There will be a big earthquake. There will be a nuclear catastrophe. The water will be poisoned. Awful storms will destroy cities. People will be scattered in the Earth Changes. Such tumult and ruin will happen soon. Beware!”
He also said, “The priests have a prophecy for these days. Let it be fulfilled! Send forth the Chief Priest to unite the world's religions and cure fanatic bigotry. May all be inspired to Love and Truth by the Spirit! Then, the priests must feed the people during the coming ordeal. They should prepare for the return of the Christ. The Judgment Day fast approaches. There will be visitors from the stars. When the fourth White Bison is born, it is the end.” When he finished talking, the crowd was shocked.
10:1 – 10:52 The Triumphal Procession
When the Chief Priest heard of Snot-Boy’s rebuke and challenge, he summoned the secret council. Among the advisors were monks, scribes, knights, archivists, and astrologers. The Chief Priest said, “It is necessary to consider two questions. The first is whether we can now determine the authenticity of the alleged prophet. The second is whether to act in support of the oracle we guard.”
One of the monks said, “We do not yet have sufficient evidence in the investigation of the so-called prophet. It is simply too early to tell.” A scribe said, “He is provoking people to rebellion. He should be jailed on charges of sedition.” A knight interrupted. “No, we must not intervene. The oracle has yet to be fulfilled. He may be the Man of God that some of the priests have seen in dreams.” An astrologer agreed. “Our lineage has kept a perfect calendar for over six-thousand years based on the stars. We are approaching a most auspicious alignment of eclipses. Our own oracle tells us to look for these signs.”
The Chief Priest said, “If the oracle predicts the coming eclipses, then we should act in support of it, regardless of whether this alleged prophet is authentic.” The scribe disagreed. “Your Excellency, he’s already challenged us to fulfill the prophecy. If we act now, we risk giving credibility to his claims before we’ve confirmed his legitimacy.” The monk said, “That is not for certain. We can fulfill the oracle while we delay judgment.”
The scribe scoffed at him. “How do you propose we do that?” The monk continued talking. “We can act with haste to reconcile the clerics and ministers. But we must do it with little pomp. It must not be obvious what we are doing. Then, we can satisfy the oracle’s demands to unite the ecclesiastical hierarchy. We’ll also gain more time to confirm or deny the assertions of the supposed prophet.”
The archivist raised his hand to speak. “Gentlemen, you no doubt know of the Stone of Destiny.” They nodded. He said, “Then you may be intrigued to know that I’ve observed some odd changes to it recently. We’ve kept it in the vault for over two decades now, and we’ve all heard the legends associated with it. But few people believe them, because the stone is dark and seemingly nothing more than a curious meteor. If it ever shone with the Light of Spirit, then it has been many generations since anybody saw such a thing. Most people I know think that it's a hoax. However, my fellow librarians have all reported that it’s glowing! I was stunned to hear it, so I looked at it myself. They do not lie. It has the faintest radiance, and from what I’ve seen, it’s getting brighter.”
There was a gasp of surprise in the secret council. The Chief Priest declared, “This surely persuades me to act now with discretion to fulfill the oracle. I see no harm in it, if we are clandestine in our doings. We can decide on the question of the prophet after due diligence.” Then, he dismissed the meeting. He privately called a spy to his office. He gave a ledger to the agent and said, “Give this to the prophet. Do not tell him the source. Do not tell him what to do with it.” Afterward, the Chief Priest worked for peace among the religions.
11:1 – 11:33 Condemnation of Thieves
In those days, the financial markets collapsed. The politicians were befuddled and incompetent. Businesses closed, and banks failed. Schools and colleges were not funded. People who wished to work found no jobs. Millions were homeless and starving.
12:1 – 12:44 Distress and Agonies
The archivist raised his hand to speak. “Gentlemen, you no doubt know of the Stone of Destiny.” They nodded. He said, “Then you may be intrigued to know that I’ve observed some odd changes to it recently. We’ve kept it in the vault for over two decades now, and we’ve all heard the legends associated with it. But few people believe them, because the stone is dark and seemingly nothing more than a curious meteor. If it ever shone with the Light of Spirit, then it has been many generations since anybody saw such a thing. Most people I know think that it's a hoax. However, my fellow librarians have all reported that it’s glowing! I was stunned to hear it, so I looked at it myself. They do not lie. It has the faintest radiance, and from what I’ve seen, it’s getting brighter.”
There was a gasp of surprise in the secret council. The Chief Priest declared, “This surely persuades me to act now with discretion to fulfill the oracle. I see no harm in it, if we are clandestine in our doings. We can decide on the question of the prophet after due diligence.” Then, he dismissed the meeting. He privately called a spy to his office. He gave a ledger to the agent and said, “Give this to the prophet. Do not tell him the source. Do not tell him what to do with it.” Afterward, the Chief Priest worked for peace among the religions.
11:1 – 11:33 Condemnation of Thieves
In those days, the financial markets collapsed. The politicians were befuddled and incompetent. Businesses closed, and banks failed. Schools and colleges were not funded. People who wished to work found no jobs. Millions were homeless and starving.
Snot-Boy visited the Temple and saw the people mourning the economic condition. He said to them, “The dealers and
merchants are like bandits who persuade you to love your slavery! There is no
mutual trust or respect. You must change your ways and act with mercy! You must
love justice! You must desire Truth! Do not cheat! Do not murder! Do not sell
the land! Do not force people from their homes! Do not lend at interest of any
amount! Do not trade money! Forgive all debts!”
He also said, “Only sharing will save
this old weary world. Sharing will restore dignity among mankind. Competition
must yield to cooperation and concern for the common good. A virtuous economy
is based on reciprocal gift-giving and security of the necessities for life:
food, water, shelter, and an education that transmits culture, teaches social
ethics, and nurtures personal integrity. You need real healthcare: your doctors
have turned you into pill-popping zombies! Who is wise enough to understand?
You honor those who boast of their wealth, and mimic the wicked! How long will you be dumb and vain?” Hearing these words, the congregation was embarrassed.
As Snot-Boy was leaving the Temple, a
spy gave him the ledger from the Chief Priest. It was the accounting of the treasure
collected for the World-Teacher. The spy said to him, “This is a dangerous
record. The last journalist to look into it was poisoned, and the clerk who told
him about it was found hung from the London bridge. Beware the noose of
12:1 – 12:44 Distress and Agonies
Later, as Snot-Boy was driving across the City, he noticed the car's brakes were erratic. “Something’s wrong,” he said as he navigated the twists and turns of the canyon. Then, the brakes failed. “Somebody cut the brakes!” he shouted. He couldn’t stop the car as it quickly rolled downhill. He honked the horn to warn the other drivers as the car raced along the road. He was moving too fast! He lost control of the steering wheel on a sharp curve. The car sped into a ditch and crashed into a tree. Snot-Boy almost died in the wreck, but the Spirit was strong in him. He stumbled from the car and limped away. The car erupted in a fiery explosion. When people heard the news, they were amazed he survived.

His mistress was frightened. “This is unsafe,” she said. “You’re making too many enemies with your harsh words.” Snot-Boy said, “You worry too much.” She cried, “You’ve been targeted twice now! You’re looking into things that are better left alone. You’ll get arrested or killed!” They often quarreled late into the night.
Sometimes Snot-Boy would holler from the pain of his wounds. He spent sleepless hours translating fragments of the ancient manuscript. When he deciphered a ritual prescription for treating injuries, he found the plant cited as a medicine. He fasted for three days. He burned incense and made a ceremonial offering of flowers and various foods. He chanted for hours and hours. Then, he ingested the healing herb and passed into a dream.
He saw the Queen of Heaven. She said to him, “You are my beloved son. I am well pleased with you. Open your mouth, and eat what I give you.” He opened his mouth, and she gave him a scroll to eat. It was bittersweet. She said to him, “You will speak to many people and religions. You will tell of nations and governors and the fate of the world. I shall keep my Plan. Prophet, spread the good news to the poor. They shall enjoy an abundance of food and kindness. Declare freedom to those who seek Truth! As I promised, so shall it be. This is not a vision for many years ahead nor a prophecy for distant times. None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the words I speak will be fulfilled.” Then Snot-Boy awoke, and he was perfectly cured.
13:1 – 13:37 The Apocalypse
At that moment, there was a great earthquake such as there had never been since the creation of Mankind. The Earth trembled and shook out of its place. There was a horrible roar from the waves of the sea. Tens of thousands of people died in the tsunami. In an instant, the village was smashed. Then, the nuclear power station exploded. Poisoned water spilled into the ocean. Fish were infected, and their eyes and gills bled; the animals that ate them lost their hair and their skin was covered in tumors and lesions. There was panic among the people.
The tribulation struck diverse places with thunder, lightning, and volcanic eruptions. The Earth wobbled with tremors. Mountains crumbled into the sea. Powerful whirlwinds destroyed homes and ruined towns. Huge floods swallowed farmlands. Blizzards buried shops and cities. Scorching heat withered the crops in the field, and fires consumed the stumps. Birds fell from the skies; cattle dropped dead in the pasture; fish and marine creatures washed ashore. There was famine and disease among the people. The lamps in many metropolises went dark. Satellites fell from their orbits, and the sky was streaked by asteroids.
The governors were distracted by political intrigues, revenge plots, and violent resource grabs. But then, outraged people around the world who had long suffered in tyranny joined together in the streets and demanded justice. Workers seized control of production facilities and distribution lines; soldiers mutinied, and various state and business insiders leaked confidential documents. Hackers disrupted networks and posted embarrassing information from high-profile accounts. Billions of people protested against exploitation by corrupt bankers and crooked officials. Governments failed; warlords fled their countries. Folks everywhere rallied for a society without fraud and war.

People sang joyously in the public square. Devotees of every faith prayed together in unity. They shared food, and everybody ate until their hunger was satisfied. In the midst of these events, extraterrestrial starships were observed above the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Millions of people saw the news on the networks. Expectations were high for the return of the Christ.
14:1 – 14:72 The Mock King
At that time, there was a series of eclipses of the moon and the sun. Snot-Boy prepared for the final task to fulfill the prophecy. The military met to discuss a new interstellar travel plan. The conference attendees included soldiers, scientists, rocket engineers, investors, and others. When Snot-Boy heard of it, he joined them in the guise of a scribe.
Snot-Boy quietly took a seat in the assembly hall. He listened to presentations on new propulsion methods. He heard talks on mining expeditions on the moon and other nearby objects in space. He saw a proposal to bottle the water on Mars and sell it on Earth. He also enjoyed reports about the success of growing cannabis in orbit.
At that time, there was a series of eclipses of the moon and the sun. Snot-Boy prepared for the final task to fulfill the prophecy. The military met to discuss a new interstellar travel plan. The conference attendees included soldiers, scientists, rocket engineers, investors, and others. When Snot-Boy heard of it, he joined them in the guise of a scribe.
Snot-Boy quietly took a seat in the assembly hall. He listened to presentations on new propulsion methods. He heard talks on mining expeditions on the moon and other nearby objects in space. He saw a proposal to bottle the water on Mars and sell it on Earth. He also enjoyed reports about the success of growing cannabis in orbit.
Then, the chief of the agency took the podium. “Many people doubt the need for a new space program. They regard such adventures as a waste of money, especially when there are unmet needs on Earth. Politicians and the public tend toward apathy except in calamity and crisis. That’s certainly our situation now. The global climate change is disrupting farming and desolating our cities. Our resources are more and more scarce. Our social structures are atrophied and cannot adequately respond to today’s challenges. Given the conditions, the scientific consensus predicts a forty-year mass extinction event. To survive, we need to launch a mission to the nearest habitable planet.”
He continued talking. “In doing so, we can accomplish two goals. First, the problem-solving and innovation necessary for such a quest will revive the economy here and produce tools needed to renew the Earth. We could rebuild our cities and advance our infrastructure and energy supplies. Second, in leaving the solar system, we will expand our wealth of resources and give new direction to human civilization. But to do it, we need the best talent and unprecedented support. Therefore, we are delegating this operation to an alliance of private organizations that can persevere through the fickle moods of politicians and disinterest of the public."
He also said, “The initial goal is to send humans back to the moon. We can build a permanent lunar base within ten years. The next step is to settle Mars. This can be done within twenty years. The third step is to build outposts on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. We can send humans on tour there in thirty years. The last step must be accomplished within forty years. We must launch to the nearest habitable planet. This interstellar travel plan requires an extraordinary investment. Moreover, it requires a new vision of possibilities. We know now we are not the only intelligent creatures in the universe. We have contact with the residents of the nearest habitable planet. We wouldn’t even know it was there had they not signaled us first.”
The room was abuzz with excitement. Then, Snot-Boy stood up and said, “There is a prophecy for these last days on Earth. It has been known for many generations that the towers would fall, storms would flood the cities, and the seas would turn black. It was foretold that there would be a big earthquake, a nuclear disaster, and a terrible famine. It was predicted that people would rebel, and governments would fail. This has all happened. The ancestors promised that a prophet would appear who would unite the religions of the world and introduce Earthlings to the star nations. They urged us to look for the birth of sacred white animals. Four bison are expected to herald the restoration of righteousness and renewal of the Earth. Three of them have walked on the Earth, and the fourth will be born soon.”
Snot-Boy also said, “The Chief Priest has worked toward correcting irreligion; now he must work to unite the nations. We cannot take these problems with us to another world. What story will we tell to the people we meet when they ask us why we’ve traveled across the galaxy? What will we say when we tell them who we are and where we come from? What will they think of us if we tell them we evacuated a planet in chaos? How embarrassing! But there is a chance for dignity. We can make peace on Earth. The Chief Priest must nurture harmony around the globe then step aside so his successor can prepare for the return of the Christ. To commemorate the occasion, there must be a time-out from all the rivalry.”
When he finished speaking, they wondered, “Who is this man?” He perceived their question and answered, “I’m nobody.” They whispered among themselves, “Is he an enemy of the State?” But he left that place without being arrested. However, they reported the incident to the Head of State, a cold-hearted and scheming woman. When she heard of it, she laughed for the first time in many years. It was a wild laugh. It relieved her temper, and she felt inspired. “I'll ask the Chief Priest about it,” she said.
15:1 – 15:47 Redemption
When the astronauts told the Chief Priest of Snot-Boy’s petition, he was uncertain. He asked them to flip a coin. The toss answered in the affirmative. So, the Chief Priest convened the secret council. “I’ve reached a verdict on the authenticity of the Prophet. He is sincere. We must promote this new revelation.” One of the scribes was aghast. “But he makes impossible demands! We cannot make peace with those who curse us!” The Chief Priest was perturbed. He said, “The Truth is the Truth, and there is no compromise!” Then, he dismissed the meeting.
Afterward, the Chief Priest worked for world peace. Several nations were on the edge of a cataclysmic war. The Chief Priest rushed to negotiate a truce. He spoke of the imminent return of the Christ. This calmed the tension. They agreed to a ceasefire. They retold the story among their kin, and evildoers everywhere surrendered their weapons. The princes of Babylon and Arabia reconciled with the princes of Jerusalem, and they all prayed together. The governors were delighted at the end of conflict. Leaders of commerce gossiped that a genius Teacher quietly brokered a deal in high politics. Scribes and reporters from the networks heard rumors but were forbidden from publishing any news of the events.
The Chief Priest needed to rest. He asked the archivist to bring him the Stone of Destiny. He said, “In my tenure, I’ve seen destruction foretold by the ancient prophets. I’ve seen anguish among the people. I’ve seen nations fall. I’ve worked for peace among the religions and peace among the nations. I’ve seen people unite against despotism. I’ve seen a prophet change the world only by the power of words. Now, I wish to see the Light of Spirit shining in the Stone of Destiny after it was so dark we all thought it was snuffed out.” The archivist brought him the casket which held the precious rock. He opened the box. The Light of Spirit glowed seven times more brightly than the light of the sun!
The Chief Priest opted to renounce his office. To honor the occasion, the lights were dimmed during a championship game. Then, the Chief Priest declared his resignation and retired to solitary prayer. He was replaced by a cleric who vowed to tend the needs of the poor and feed the hungry.
Benjamin Crème was permitted to publish again and speak on the networks. He denied a cover-up in the advent of the World-Teacher. He confessed that Maitreya was played by an actor! He claimed that a tall young man unknown to the public as Maitreya was as wise as the oldest of the Teachers and the advocate and demonstration of the love of God. He has not yet been promoted as the World-Teacher. This is necessary so that mankind accepts Maitreya’s advice on its own merit, not because of a seemingly glamorous rank in the Hierarchy.
16:1 – 16:20 The End
Around that time, the world mourned the death of the White Bison named “Lightning Medicine Cloud.” He was nearly upon his first birthday when he was reported dead. Rumors spread that he was murdered and skinned. This was later proven false. The owner neglected him, and he died of an infection. Soon after, the fourth White Bison was born. People gathered from across the country to see the animal. The American Indians named him “Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy.” The prophecy was complete. When Snot-Boy heard of it, he said, “It is done.”
He was among his admirers in the City. They celebrated with a great feast. He commanded them to remain silent on all they knew about him. Then he withdrew to live in the forest. But they did not obey his command of secrecy. They told of his wonderful performance to their friends and children. And, their children and friends told their friends and children of all that had been accomplished in the last days on Earth. The story spread to the farthest ends of Creation and among future generations living in diverse places. Everybody who heard it was enthused by the good news and the Truth of Spirit.